We are planning client info sessions on a regular basis to ensure that our clients engage with us and Product Providers.
This will enhance our business relationship and we plan the sessions to be informative and fun.
It is also an opportunity to bring and introduce a friend.
We are starting with 3 confirmed sessions:
15 February 2017 : Get to Gold for Discovery Vitality Members
Lunch time 13h00 and 16h00
We will make smoothies and assist with info on Engagement with Vitality
23 February 2017 : 19h00 -20h00
Discovery Invest Specialist : Jamie McKillop
State of the Markets and Discovery Funds
28 February 2017: 19h00-20h00
Boedels, Trusts en Testamente
Jurgens Tubb van MHI Prokureurs
Enigste Afrikaanse sessie
Please book your seats now as this will be more intimate sessions with limited seating.
Talks are limited to 20 mins and the balance of the time will be for questions and networking.